Our Claims Philosophy

We believe the true test of the value and integrity of the relationship with your Insurance Adviser is the provision of fast and efficient claims service and advice. This is why our claims philosophy is built on a number of key principles:

  • Act fairly in the interests of our clients in the event of a claim
  • Assist our clients to understand overly technical policy interpretations
  • Assist our clients to reduce the cost and the number of claims through effective risk management strategies
  • Assist our clients through difficult times.

In the event of a claim, we will:

  • Provide you with the insurer’s claim form if needed
  • Arrange for the loss assessor to be appointed if applicable
  • Advise on the completion of the claim form
  • Provide advice to ensure you have received your full entitlements.

Notification of Claims

All losses or incidents which may result in a claim (other than Worker’s Compensation claims) are to be reported to us as soon as practicable after the event.

The first notification should be by telephone, e-mail, fax, here through our website, or as circumstances dictate and should include the following information:

      • Description of incident
      • Date and Time
      • Location where circumstances originated
      • Estimate of loss
      • Action being taken to minimise loss

Claim Notification

Your Company (required)

Your Email (required)

Your Phone Number

Claim Details

Loss Minimisation

Action should be immediately taken to protect property from further damage. Please call our 24/7 Emergency Claims Response Team on 1300 831 094 for assistance.

Own Property Damage

All losses should be reported immediately so we can look to arrange for Loss Adjusters to take whatever action is required.

Theft & Money

If the loss is due to Theft/Burglary or involves the loss of money, the Police should be contacted immediately and details kept of the officer and station notified.

Again, all losses should also be reported to us as soon as possible.

Motor Vehicle / Own Damage

All accidents involving your motor vehicle/s should be reported immediately to either our office or the nearest office of your Insurer.

The vehicle may be towed to the closest repairer capable of rectifying the damage.

The claim processing is expedited if a completed claim form can be left at the repairer’s premises before the visit by the Loss Adjuster.

If there are any delays in obtaining repair authorisation of necessary service, please contact us and we will secure action.

Your policy excess is normally paid by you to the repairer upon collection of the repaired vehicle.

If the damage is due to the negligence of an identifiable Third Party, your Insurer will normally endeavor to recover your excess.

Where a third party is involved, under no circumstances should any admission of liability be made.

Motor Vehicle / Personal Injury

In cases where Personal Injury is involved, a separate claim form must be submitted to the Motor Accident Compensation insurer. Appropriate claim forms will be supplied upon request.

No further actions direct with any Third Parties should be undertaken without instruction from Insurers.

A copy of the claim form should be lodged with this office for record purposes.

Liability / General Products

In general terms no admission of liability should be made to any party in any form whatsoever. All correspondence, writs, summonses and demands should be sent to us immediately upon receipt.