Level 31, 100 Miller St

North Sydney NSW 2060


Business Insurance

Having adequate general insurance cover is one of the most fundamental parts of being in business. It provides invaluable protection against a range of unforeseeable events, reducing financial uncertainty and protecting your livelihood and that of your workforce.
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Liability Insurance

Despite a business’ best intentions sometimes accidents still happen. Public and Product Liability Insurance protects against claims of personal injury and or third party property damage caused as a result of your negligence, either specifically by products that have been manufactured, sold or supplied by you or for any other negligent acts giving rise to a claim during the day to day running of your business.

Motor / Commercial / Heavy Motor

One of the more common types of business cover, motor/vehicle insurance protects your business fleet against costs arising from theft and accidents. Your policy can be tailored to include a range of commercial vehicles from cars and motorbikes to vans, trucks and even buses and heavy motor vehicles.

Plant & Equipment Insurance

If you have mobile plant and equipment, we can arrange to ensure this plant and equipment is properly insured to protect both the equipment but importantly also the liabilities associated with its use. This product is designed to cover everything from the smallest of earthmoving machines though to the largest fixed or mobile cranes – and everything in between.

Home Insurance

This insurance is predominately to protect your home and contents. If you run your business predominantly from home it’s important to be aware your existing home and contents insurance may not cover your business activities or equipment in the event you need to make a claim. It’s an excellent idea to discuss your current arrangements with us to ensure you’re not unnecessarily exposed.

Strata Insurance

Strata Insurance offers you peace of mind by providing cover for buildings, common contents and common property for both registered commercial and residential strata properties. This can further extend to cover liability in the event people are injured on common property.

Professional Indemnity

You always endeavour to provide the very best services and advice you can. Regardless, the threat of claims and litigation is very real in 21st Century Australian business and can potentially bankrupt a business. This is why if your business provides any kind of professional services and/or advice you should strongly consider having professional indemnity insurance.

Directors & Officers / Management Liability Insurance

If you have a small to medium sized private company, you could be protected by a policy that covers claims from a wide range of management liabilities, such as; directors and officers liability, company reimbursement, company liability and employment practice liability.

Property Insurance / ISR

A must if you have one or more business premises, property insurance provides financial protection in the event they are damaged or destroyed in a one-off event.

Business Interruption Insurance

Business interruption insurance is designed to cover the shortfall in gross profits caused by the interruption to your business after a disaster or another type of insured event that forces you to close your doors for an extended period of time. It effectively returns your business to the same financial position it was in before the event occurred, allowing the quickest possible resumption of normal business.
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As digital technology has become more inseparable from the operations of most businesses, the need for cyber insurance protection is becoming increasingly important. As with any insurance, there are many different types and levels of cyber cover available. We’ll work with you to identify the best way to manage the risks related to a data breach in your business and mitigate the potentially crippling costs that could result from such a breach. With the cyber landscape constantly changing it’s vital to ensure your policy continues to provide the protection your business require at all times. Regular reviews are an excellent idea and something we, as your insurance broker are perfectly placed to assist with.

Workers’ Compensation

Workers’ Compensation is compulsory for all Australian employers. It provides protection to workers if they suffer a work-related injury or illness. Any business that employs or hires workers on a full-time, part-time or casual basis, under an oral or written contract of service or apprenticeship, must have workers’ compensation insurance that covers their workforce.

Marine & Hull Insurance

Marine insurance is designed to provide peace of mind, whether you have a pleasure craft that requires insurance or if you are moving cargo across water, land or air. Marine transit cover provides point-to-point coverage between your premises and those of your customers.

Contract / Building Works Insurance

You need contract works insurance in place before a peg is put into the ground. Many things can go wrong where building works are involved, whether that be at excavation or even completion stage of any project. This insurance is designed specially to provide any physical and related party liability damage as well as loss of building materials, fire and malicious damage.